Self Care Activities for the Winter

*Hot Chocolate!
*Build a Snowman!
*Science experiments with your kids!
*Bubble bath!
*Go sledding!
*Check out drop-in play or any of the classes at Nature’s Playhouse!
*Call a friend!
*Try cooking new recipes!
*Check out the kid’s programs at your local library!
*Ice skating!
*Consider a support group like It Takes a Village with Nature’s Playhouse!
*Go for a walk!
*Start a journal!
*Read a book!
*Talk to a counselor
*Work on a puzzle!
*Do some coloring (adults can too!)
*Light a candle!
*Have a movie marathon!
*Declutter your home!

Check out this how-to video with Counselor Liz Bayer and her son making Insta-snow!

Liz Bayer